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Niboshi - Dried Sardines - 1000 gr | MasteringRamen iroko niboshi dried sardines
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Niboshi - Dried Sardines - 1000 gr | MasteringRamen
dried sardines

Niboshi - Dried Sardines - 1000 gr

866 kr 577 kr

Niboshi or dried sardines, dried anchovyor iroko aremostly anchovies that are cooked and dried to make stock from, which iscalled niboshi dashiNiboshi, have a highinosinic acid (amplifying umami factor) content, give that not amplify umamifactor but also supply that characteristic fishy taste to double stocks likethat of Tokyo-style shoyu orthick gyokai.When making stock sometimes the heads and guts are pulled off because some find it to bitter tasting. The niboshi canbe soaked overnight before simmering and then being discarded. Please store in a cooled place (frige i.e.) after purchasing to improve shelf life.


Origin: Kobe, Japan
Brand: Koumi mansai
Manufacturer: Amano Co., Ltd

Quantity: 1000 grams/1 kg per package


Shipping is free! We try to keep our prices as low as possibleto ascertain accesabillity to professional ramen equipment to everyone in theworld, therefore we work with different manufacturers from mainly Asia, whichcan conclude in longer shipping times, ussually around 3 to4  weeks from Japan (maximum 5 weeks, although this doesn't happenoften).

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